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Don't let the title fool you!! Spirits That Attack Women is not just a book written to women but it's a life changing study for both women and men alike. It is written to women to encourage self-respect, self-image, self-knowledge and self as it relates to knowing God. It's written to men to inform them on how valuable, important and necessary the woman is to his God-given purpose. In the beginning, God made Woman to be a helpmeet to man! It's important because without woman man can never fulfill all that God placed him here to do without her.


She provides man with favor, prayer, intimacy, family and partnership! The problem with this, is the devil also knows that she plays such a significant role in the production of man; therefore, the devil has unleashed a full on attack on the female species.


This book will empower both genders with the tools and weapons to counter attack what the devil is doing against women. Spirits That Attack Women is a must read and collectible for your literary library. Once you pick it up, you will not be able to put it down because life as you know will change forever!! If you are a woman, you will discover your true identity and significance and if you are a man, you will have a new found revelation to the value of a woman!!


Enjoy the journey!


Spirits That Attack Women (ebook)

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